Alternative Heat Sources for Power Outages? Winter is already here, and long before now, you made plans to get a heat-energy in case there was a power outage. However, you just realized the power is out, and you did not get an alternative to supplying your home with the much-needed heat for the winter storm?

What do you do? Not to worry, there are several emergency methods you can use to warm out without putting yourself at risk for frostbite or any other winter-related issues.
Emergency Heating Options For Winter Power Outages
We have compiled a few survival tips you can use to keep you and your family warm during this time.
Before The Power Goes Out
While you may still have power, here are a few ways to prepare yourself before the worst strikes:
Check on your generator
You may want to stock up on additional fuel for a few days to weeks as there is no sure way of telling how long your power may be out. You also need to check it is functioning effectively. However, if you do not have a generator, you may want to consider getting a dual-fuel generator (you can shop around for some affordable ones).
Invest in a propane heater
There is a wide variety of propane heaters you can choose from (such as propane-fueled buddy heaters), which are tested and proven safe for indoor use.
Alter your doors and windows
You want to prevent heat loss as well as preventing cold air from seeping in. You can purchase insulating shades or become creative with your heat sealers.
Stock Up on the basics
Ensure your family has enough warm blankets, comforters, and winter clothing to last for up to a few weeks.In addition to the noted tips above, you may also want to try a few of the following:
- If the weather forecast notes an impending power outage, you may want to increase the temperature in your home so there will be enough heat to last. The warmer your home is at the beginning, the longer it will take to cool down. You can also add extra warmth to unused rooms in the house, so there will be a higher chance of thermal mass.
- Fill your bathtub with hot water
- Stock up on enough firewood and coal
During The Power Outage
You are indoors, and before long, you realize the power has been shut off. You need to move swiftly in doing the following:
Eliminate All Chances of Heat Loss
Now is not the time to be wasting much-needed heat as your body will need it. You can start by avoiding the opening and closing of exterior doors as cold air can allow the temperature to fall rapidly by up to 10 degrees. There is no way to get that wasted heat back!
If you need to go outside, try doing so through the garage, porch, or other areas where the cold air will not be able to enter the living space. Also, ensure you keep all interior doors closed.
Share Living Space
Have one separate room in the home where the family sleep. This room should be closed at all times and only opened when the family is entering. You can always use the living room as the central area where the family gathers for daily activities.
Seal Draft Areas
Your doors and windows may have draft areas above and below them, so sealing with a towel or draft blocker is necessary. This procedure will allow air from seeping in and clouding the trapped heat. You can either order custom-made or get creative. You can also close your blinds and curtains to help insulate your windows.
Move To The Basement
While the power is still on, you can consider putting extra heat in the basement and seal it. Once the heat inside is losing out, you can consider moving with the family to the basement.
There are alternative ways of getting heat in the home when there is a power outage. Aside from trapping heat that you saved, you can also create heat from:
Alternative Heat Sources for Power Outages
Wood or Coal Stoves
You can light your stove in a central area of the home and leave the internal doors open so the temperature can travel to other areas of the house. However, if you have limited wood, you can light the stove at specified intervals, then trap the heat. Don’t have a coal stove? No Worries, you can take your grills inside, and while adding some heat, you are making some sumptuous meals.

Indoor Propane Heaters
Before purchasing these heaters, you need to research whether they are safe for indoor use as not all of them are. Once it is, you can power on once the stored heat is exhausted.
Open Flame
You need to use this option with caution and with a fire extinguisher in close range. You can use candles, lanterns, and other lamps but under strict supervision. Be careful of open flames like candles as they can eventually ignite other items close to them. Also, do not place it on a table (wood or plastic) but instead on a metal surface.
Every home needs to have a thermos where they can store hot water for further use. You can use the water to make tea, porridge, or soup, which can serve as an excellent body-warming tactic.
Other Alternative Heat Sources for Power Outages
In addition to the previously highlighted forms of heat production, you can find different ways of staying warm. Ever heard of the “camping inside” trick? This method will see you setting up a tent in your home, and while it is creating a haven for warmth, it is a perfect distraction for the kids from the cold weather.
Also, it is best to have a set of winter clothing that will help to regulate the body’s temperature and keep you warm. These items of clothing include wool jackets, socks, gloves, and can be doubled if needs be.
Amidst the cold weather you might be experiencing, there is still some good to come out of it. You can use this time to keep your refrigerated foods fresh. Move the food items to an open area (porch or driveway) and let them build up some ice.
But in the end, there are so many ways to keep warm during a winter power outage, and how you deal with it depends on you. You can use these tips to help you go a far way.