Five Ways to Defend Your Homestead

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It is time to talk about the ability to Defend Your Homestead. A home invasion is scary, traumatic, and can even be life-threatening. You want to be prepared to protect your home from an invasion by preventing it from happening – especially during a crisis situation.

Five Ways to Defend Your Homestead article cover image of a man with a handgun

In order to do that, you have to make sure you’re prepared and you have to make it difficult for your home to be a thief’s target. If the intruder gets in, then you’re going to have to go into hostage survival mode – and you never want to have to go through that.

Five Ways to Defend Your Homestead

1) Defend Your Homestead with Deterrence

Threatening signs and things like that can drive away less brave intruders before they even try, they tend to be more about the opportunity than the effort.

If you’re on the fence about installing a home alarm system, you should know that homes with them are almost three times less likely to be burglarized than homes that don’t have a system.

Alarms Are a Home Invasion Deterrent

During a crisis, desperate people are going to want to target the easiest in and out home to rob. You want to make sure that’s not your home. Sometimes, simply knowing that a home has an alarm system is enough to ward off a would-be thief.

While he might want to rob, he doesn’t want to escalate his chance of getting caught. Some survivalists think that in the event of a widespread catastrophe, the police won’t show up for a home invasion, or if they do, the time it takes them to arrive could be too long.

While this could be true, you still want to have an alarm. The reason is that an alarm system can alert you and your family members that someone has entered the home. While this may seem like a retroactive step when you want to Defend Your Homestead, it is important.

This will help prevent you from accidentally stumbling into a situation where there’s a desperate thief inside your home. An alarm can also help prevent you from being surprised awake in the middle of the night by a thief because as soon as the monitoring points are interrupted, the alarm will sound.

In the event that you’re dealing with a situation where you don’t have any electricity, a home alarm system can still be helpful. There are many models that come with battery backup so that even if there’s no electricity, the alarm will still work as long as you have batteries.

Some people think that the only good alarm system is the monitored kind but that’s not true. Plus, in a crisis situation where’s widespread chaos, and matters of life and death, a home burglary isn’t going to be high on the list.

However, you can choose to use an alarm system that does exactly that. Alarms you or the neighbors when someone breaks into your home. There are systems that can be set to create such a loud noise that the neighbors will be able to hear it go off.

These are ones that have a loud siren or horn sound that carries for some distance. You can find these systems with backup batteries or battery-only operation so they’re perfect for use when there’s a power outage.

People are torn about using the warning signs that tell thieves you have an alarm system. If your alarm is fake, then the signs might deter a would-be thief. But if you have a real alarm, you’d rather not alert them about what kind you have, in case they’re adept at disabling the system.

Lighting Can Drive Thieves Away

One of the biggest mistakes that people make in the area of preventing home invasions is having poor lighting. Most crimes don’t take place in broad daylight. Instead, they happen in the evenings when it’s dark out and difficult to determine a shadow in the yard from a human being.

Poor lighting, whether it’s inside the home or outside, can be an invitation to thieves. You don’t want to give them shadows to hide in. That makes it easier for them to be able to approach your home.

Defend Your Homestead! You don’t want them to be able to get that close. The closer a thief can get to your house, the higher the chance he’s going to attempt to break-in. Remember that light is not a thief’s friend.

The more of it you have, the less likely your chance of your home becoming a target. You’ll want to start with outdoor lighting. Starting with the edges of your property, you’re going to want to put up floodlights.

These are lights that are powerful enough to radiate over a great distance than normal lights. Floodlights should go on each of the corners of your home and you should make sure you buy the ones that are motion activated.

This way if someone comes near, the lights will switch on – but they’re not intrusive to neighbors or yourself if no one’s on the property. Most of them can be set so that they’re not triggered by the action of small animals.

Most people are pretty good at lighting up the back of their house. They’ll have floodlights and make sure that the back door has a light. But contrary to popular belief, thieves will not always head for the back of a home – especially if you live in an area where your neighbors aren’t too close to you.

Thieves will boldly approach the front of your home and they’ll ring the doorbell. If no one answers, they’ll attempt to break-in. However, if you have a motion sensor light on your front porch, that’s often enough to make the person turn around and leave.

The front of your home should be as well lit as the back of your home. And completely dark homes can be an invitation for a thief. If you’re used to watching television in one room late at night while having the rest of the house dark, you’ll want to rethink that strategy.

Yes, it costs a little more in electricity. But leaving a light on another room of the house, especially bright light, signifies to a thief that multiple people are in the home and that they’re awake and alert.

Thieves will choose the darkened home over the lit one. They’ll take the home that doesn’t have outdoor lights over the one with floodlights as well.

2- Defend Your Homestead with Traps

Whether you are talking about tripwire alarms or physically harmful traps that will freak intruders out they will still drive them away once they trip/spot them.

You want to protect the parameter of where ever you’re living before anyone can breach the interior of your place. The best way to do that is by setting up booby traps that stay armed and ready to fight off a thief for you.

Set Up Booby Traps Ahead of Time to Prevent Theft at All Times

How do they help you Defend Your Homestead? These booby traps can also alert you if anyone trips them, which will allow you to be prepared to fight back instead of being taken unaware. You can easily fashion an inexpensive set of tripwires to protect your place from thieves.

You’ll need electrical tape, a fishing line, and firecrackers such as champagne poppers. You can dump the gun powder out of the firecracker into the igniter and use electrical tape to put it together with the fishing line.

Make sure you leave the length of the fishing line to stretch across whatever space you want to cover it with. Tie each end of the fishing line between two small stakes in the ground and camouflage those stakes.

When someone breaches the tripwire, there will be a flash followed by a loud bang which can scare a would-be thief off and alert you. Some survivalists use what’s called a swinging log trap.

How to Make a Swinging Log Trap

You use two pretty heavy pieces of wood or logs and have each on separate sides of the walkway or trail. When someone trips the rope, the logs swing in unison and hit the person on either side of their body.

You can also use spike pits by digging holes in the ground and placing large spikes sharp end up. When a thief steps onto whatever is covering the opening, the covering collapses, and the thief gets a nasty surprise.
How to make a spike trap –

Some booby traps can be simpler. You can camouflage a rake with the hard tines pointing up. When someone steps on the rake tines, the handle will swing up at them. If you’re concerned that a thief might make it past your booby traps and reach your door, you can set it up so that if they pull on the knob, they get doused with a bucket of something that won’t be pleasant for them.

You can use chemicals, nails, or paint. You can also set up a trip wire using a pepper spray type alarm. If the thief trips the wire, he’ll get doused with pepper spray. Just make sure you only use booby traps in a SHTF situation and not when life is peaceful and no one’s expecting to encounter hostility.

3 – Armed defense

Using firearms or nonlethal weapons to attack intruders directly is another way to Defend Your Homestead.

Protecting yourself is one of the most basic human instincts, and in the dangerous world we live in today, it’s important to know how to do it. However, you may not always want to kill or seriously wound your attacker.

While you are legally allowed to protect yourself, some states have laws against using a knife or a gun. But you have to weigh the law against the odds of whether or not you’ll survive the attack if you don’t use the weapon.

Defend Your Homestead with Non-Lethal Self Defense

If you’re looking for a way to fight back that uses non-lethal means, you can do that using a few different means. You can engage in self-defense moves that are effective at subduing an attacker.

Hand to hand combat

You can learn these moves through self defense classes, through online videos, home DVDs or through books. Some of these moves involve common ways to defend yourself and to fight back.

However, other self defense methods involve knowing where the pressure points are in a person’s body. If you use this method, you must know what you’re doing in order to take down your attacker.

By hitting a pressure point, you can cause the other person to experience pain, knock them off balance and render them unable to fight back. If you press a pressure point the right way, you can cause your opponent to experience spasms, confusion and even render him unconscious.

You can use your fingers to learn self-defense using pressure points but you can also use pressure point tools. Tactical pens are good for self-defense when you want to use non-lethal means.

There are many other ways to protect yourself in a non-lethal way, including stun guns, Tasers, and pepper spray. Stun guns are one of the most common forms of self-defense.

Stun guns

A stun gun usually has two prongs on the end of it that transmit a non-lethal dose of electricity through them. These stun guns are effective because they take advantage of how the human body actually works.

Your body’s cells use electricity to communicate with your brain and muscles. Sending an extra jolt of electricity through your body causes your muscles to contract and expand against their will.

This is ultimately harmless, but at the time, will be very painful and immobilizing for your attacker. The most common stun gun company is Vipertek, and they make many reliable and inexpensive stun guns available on Amazon.

Pepper Spray

The other most common form of self-defense is pepper spray. Pepper spray is, as the name implies, a spray infused with pepper and other chemicals, notably oleoresin capsicum, or OC.

OC is derived from cayenne peppers, and it works even better than tear gas, because tear gas won’t always stop victims who feel less pain, such as drunks and druggies. OC will cause temporary blindness and restrict the victim’s breathing, while not cutting it off completely.

The blindness will last at least 15 minutes – 30 at most. The burning feeling lasts 45 to 60 minutes, the coughing from it getting in your lungs lasts up to 15 minutes. These combined factors give you more than enough time to make your escape while your attacker is incapacitated.

One of the best companies for pepper spray is SABRE. SABRE is used by some of the largest police forces, including NYPD, LAPD, and Chicago PD. SABRE combines the tear gas mentioned earlier with the OC to create a perfect defense weapon.

It also includes a UV dye, so that the suspect can later be identified by holding up a UV light, without him knowing that he’s been marked. You can also get a pepper gel from SABRE, which works the same as pepper spray, but it sticks to your attacker, making it safer to use indoors.

Pepper spray may be a better first line of defense over the stun guns, due to the fact that they have a much longer range. Finally, there is the least common form of self-defense – a Taser.


Taser is a company that makes an advanced, long-range version of the stun gun. Tasers are legal in 45 states, so make sure you check the legality of Tasers in yours. A Taser is a small weapon that fires two little prongs, much like the prongs attached to the stun gun, which stick into the victim and shock them.

For non-law enforcement consumers, the maximum range for a Taser is 15 feet. This is still plenty of room, and the Taser will lay anyone and anything out completely. It’s essentially a much more effective stun gun.

The only downside to the Taser is its price tag. A Taser will usually run you about as much as a regular gun costs. However, this does not stop them from being very effective pieces of self-defense technology and it’s perfect for those who have a moral problem killing another person, even in self-defense.

Defend Your Homestead with Lethal Self Defense

Lethal forms of self-defense are the quickest way to stop an intruder or attacker. Sometimes, all it takes is seeing that you have a lethal weapon to make the other person run away.

Intruders and attackers are counting on being the victor, not the victim. Knives – such as combat blades, hunting knives, and military knives are quick tools that can incapacitate someone who wants to harm you.

Though some people like to use folding knives, just know if the knife fails to flip open, your opponent can then get the jump on you. Make sure the weapon you choose is one that you can count on.

Guns are one of the most effective lethal force weapons you can own. You’ll want to have a gun that you’re familiar with. While handguns are more popular for use with in-home self-defense, rifles and shotguns are also good weapons to have on hand.

Not all rifles are good at stopping intruders because they don’t pack the same power that other guns do. A 12 gauge shotgun is designed to stop whatever the ammo hits, but it has a strong recoil.

If you use a revolver, you want to have a .357 or a .38 special. One of the more popular guns used by survivalists is the Glock. This 9mm has low recoil and they’re known as good home defense weapons.

4 – Extra structural security

Stronger door frames, more complex locks, barred windows, and similar home upgrades can stop intruders who intend on breaking in – the trick it to install them before you actually need them.

When the world is in chaos, a thief will be more determined than ever before to get in and take what he needs. He’ll use whatever means necessary to get into your home. Most people believe that their homes are thoroughly secured through the use of deadbolts.

Consider Upgrading Your Locks

Sadly, this isn’t true. A determined thief can walk right up to your door, and with a few hard kicks, break right into your home. The reason a deadbolt or even several deadbolts just won’t do the trick is because a thief knows how to get around these types of locks.

A deadbolt can be drilled through in less than two minutes!

The deadbolts might be strong and hold up, the but wood in the door will not – and neither will a flimsy door frame. They’ll cave under the repeated onslaught of kicks or battering.

Multiple locks and adding a deadbolt isn’t the answer. Get a better door and a better locking system. You need to consider using steel doors and locks such as police locks. These types of locks are named because they’re highly resistant to break-ins and work differently from a standard lock.

They’re made to withstand a lot more force than ordinary locks. These are locks that are created to form an angle that allows the door to be backed with the power of the floor strength.

They can hold against a lot of pressure based on the bracing and angle of the lock. You place these types of locks with the foot on the floor and the brace under the doorknob.

They come with a steel bar that sits at an angle between the door and the floor. The door is held in place by a space on the bar which then braces the door. The other end of the bar goes against the floor.

The angle of the bar is what prevents a thief from being able to enter your home. You can also find police locks that are smaller, longer, and still able to prevent the door from being forced open.

You can also use a crossbar-type police lock. With this type of lock setup, you would mount brackets on either side of the door which supports steel bars that brace the door and prevent it from being opened.

This type of lock easily moves to allow you to leave your home when you need them out of the way. You might also want to consider making sure you protect your garage entry. Many thieves who can’t get into a home through secured doors will try to get in through a garage.

Many survivalists store their food and other survival supply items in their garage. To protect this area, make sure your garage can’t easily be broken into. You can use a lock similar to a vacation lock, which prevents the door from being opened.

Having a Gate Can Be a First-Line Defense Against Home Invasions

When it comes to security, too many people think of the home as the first line of defense. It’s not. You might think that the property or the yard around your home is the first line of defense, then, but that’s not it either.

Your first line of defense against home invasions is a gate. Having a gate can bar a would-be thief and prevent him from coming onto your property in the first place. A gate signifies to a thief that there might be something in your yard that you’re trying to keep from getting out – such as a dangerous dog.

It adds an extra layer of security that thieves don’t want to take the time to figure a way over or around before they can get to the actual house. You don’t want to use just any type of gate to prevent access to your home.

Choose a gate that clearly has your safety in mind. This would be a gate that has the means to thwart a would-be thief. The type of gate that you need to use would be the kind that’s not easy to scale and makes a thief think twice.

That would be a gate that has sharp spikes at the top of it. Gates with these spikes have the potential to snag the clothes of as well as injure a thief attempting to climb over them.

These spikes have the ability to puncture the skin, go through muscle, and do some pretty serious damage. They’re known as anti-climb gates. You can buy them and simply replace the gate that you already have with one of them.

Five Ways to Defend Your Homestead woman arming a security system

However, if you can’t afford to replace your gate, you can take steps to make the current one less friendly to people who’d want to think about going over it. What you can do is to add small razor spikes right across the top of the existing gate. When a would-be thief sees those, he’s not going to be as likely to try and climb over them.

A big mistake that people make when it comes to trying to prevent a home invasion is having a solid gate or an anti-climbing one and then not locking it. If you have a gate and leave it unlocked, that’s like an open invitation.

Secure the gate using the latch made for it – but you might want to add another layer of protection to that and add a chain and a padlock. By adding layers of security around and in your home, you can prevent your family from having to experience a home invasion.

5- Use the land to your advantage

Dangerous plants and animals that will trip up or harm intruders on their way in will convince them that it’s not worth the effort. This can be anything from very thorny bushes close to the house and under the windows or getting a dog.

Statistics show that noise is a great theft deterrent. Sometimes, all it takes is a barking dog to make a thief decide to bypass your home and break into a different, dog-free home instead.

Guard Dogs Can Prevent Home Invasions

Dogs know when something isn’t right. They’ll realize that someone is near your home (and shouldn’t be there) before you ever will because they can hear things before you’ll ever hear them. They are a great way to Defend Your Homestead.

Plus, thanks to their keen sense of smell, dogs can also pick up the scent of a stranger. Not only will a guard dog alert his family to the presence of a possible thief, but he’ll defend you if he needs to.

But having a guard dog means it usually doesn’t get as far as needing to be defended. Some people have small dogs like Chihuahuas and poodles. These dogs can alert you to the presence of a would-be thief lurking near or on your property.

However, small dogs are not always intimidating to thieves. A determined thief will take his chances if he sees a dog he thinks he can manhandle. A thief will often check out a house before he decides to break in.

He’ll peek into the window to see if anyone is home and what kind of valuables he can spot. If he spots a guard dog, especially if it’s one like a Doberman, a pit bull, a Rottweiler, or a German shepherd, he’s not going to want to deal with that.

Large dogs can make great home invasion deterrents because their sheer size frightens people off. These would be breeds such as Great Danes, mastiffs, wolfhounds, or Saint Bernards.

Though these dogs are sometimes sweet-tempered, and gentle, they can be protective and are diligent when it comes to warding off would-be intruders. If you’re sound asleep and your dog starts barking, this can alert you to potential danger faster than an alarm system can.

Because with an alarm system, the thief has to breach the defensive line. With a dog, he doesn’t. Any dog is instinctively protective when it comes to his family and his home. However, you can also train your dog to act as a guard dog even if he’s no longer young.

Any age dog and any breed can be trained to protect your home from a break-in. You can hire someone to work with your dog to train him or you can do it yourself using online tutorials, books, or other training materials.

Most dogs do need some training, as do the owners, to keep them from making common mistakes that would impede their dog’s ability to prevent home invasions. For example, most people make the mistake of telling their dog to be quiet when it barks at strangers and that’s not a good habit to have.

Instead of telling the dog to be quiet, praise the dog and give him a treat when he alerts you to a stranger. You also want to be careful about getting a dog for security if you have children in the home.

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