Building a Separate Attachment for Quarantine Purposes

Building a Separate Attachment for Quarantine Purposes? Let’s be frank here: if someone in your family becomes ill, it may be necessary to put them into quarantine. Of course, you want to take care of your loved ones, but you also want to minimize infecting people who are not ill.

Building a Separate Attachment for Quarantine Purposes article cover image

If you have a recreational vehicle, a pool house, garage apartment, detached garage, or guest cottage, you’ll have an easy time converting it into a quarantine area. You’ll start by cleaning out the area to make room for people who are ill and sealing off any exits and windows with plastic sheeting and duct tape.

Building a Separate Attachment for Quarantine Purposes

You’ll also want to create a sign for the outside of the door that lets everyone know this area is for quarantine. This will keep unsuspecting people from becoming accidentally exposed to the illness you’re trying to contain.

Make a sanitation station

Next, you need to create a sanitation station just outside the quarantine room so that you can put on protective supplies, dispose of used supplies, and wash your hands. This sanitation station will help minimize exposure for people who are coming in and out to help those who are ill.

Attachment for Quarantine building shelters

If you don’t have a shelter already in place, you do have other options. One thing you can do is set up a tent outside of your home. This tent should be near enough that you can get to it with ease, but not directly attached to the house. For example, ten feet away in the backyard is a perfect spot.

Seal it off

For a tent, you’ll need to do your best to seal off areas, but know that you won’t be able to seal them effectively. The idea, though, is that you have created a separate area. In the case of most illnesses, very close contact is needed to transmit disease.

Attachment for Quarantine to keep others safe

Regardless of the structure that you use, you need to make sure that you have equipment available for communication. The most straightforward system is a set of walkie-talkies that allow you to communicate without being in the same room.

How to get them supplies

If those in quarantine are well enough to take care of their needs for food and sanitation, you’ll want to provide plenty of supplies in the quarantine area for them. If not, you’ll need to create a system to deliver what’s required while wearing protective clothing and avoiding exposure.

Building a Separate Attachment for Quarantine Purposes lockdown due to virus

Once you know that a pandemic is possible, begin to prepare these areas. Once someone is already sick, it might be too late to get everything set up. If you’re already prepared, you can take care of anyone who is infected immediately and minimize exposure to others.

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10 Things to Avoid When Quarantined

Quarantine for a majority of us, an unprecedented experience. In such a situation, there are a lot of unknown and often unanswered questions. It is essential, however, to know what you can do and what you cannot.

10 Things to Avoid When Quarantined

This article will address the ten main things you need to avoid when quarantined. Here are some critical things to be aware of: 


If you need to self-quarantine, you have to isolate yourself from others. Protect others from getting infected by keeping your distance and avoid being in the same room with them, as far as possible.

Avoid contact with other people

Depending on how the infection in question is transmitted, do not share dishes, towels, eating utensils, bedding items, and other personal items with other people. 

10 Things to Avoid When Quarantined During a Pandemic people

Adopting these habits will help control and prevent further infections: clean all surfaces and frequently manipulated devices such as computers and mobile phones using a disinfectant. Always remain alert to symptoms related to that particular infection.

Do not entertain visitors

Avoid the risk of spreading the infection if you have been quarantined by stopping social visits and other close contacts. You can order takeaways, but make sure you avoid physical contact with the person delivering the order.

Protect people who help out with house chores by requesting them not to come to work, at least during the quarantine period. Such people may include child-minders, housekeepers, and dog walkers.

Avoid contact with your pet

Your pet can unknowingly become a transmitter of viruses. Limiting contact with your pets when quarantined is a way of protecting yourself as well as your pet. Avoid getting licked by your pet, petting your pet, as well as sharing food with your pet. If possible, ask someone else to be responsible for your pet while in quarantine.

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Avoid traveling

It is safer to refrain from moving outside for whatsoever reason while in quarantine. Make sure you stay at home and avoid spreading the infection to others.

If your symptoms start worsening, make sure you call your doctor first and avoid showing up without any warning. Alternatively, head to the medical facility where they have set up a specialized zone for such pandemic-related symptoms. 

10 Things to Avoid When Quarantined During a Pandemic travel

Avoid coughing or sneezing without covering your mouth or nose

If transmission of the virus is via droplets, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing to help contain and prevent the spread of infections.

Throw away used tissues and wash your hands thoroughly after sneezing or coughing, applying the 20 seconds rule. Wash your hands thoroughly using soap and warm water after going to the bathroom and avoid touching your face, mouth, or nose. 

Avoid handling food without washing

Always wash your hands before preparing or eating food. Avoid making food for others while quarantined to prevent the spread of the infection if you show some symptoms of infection. 

Avoid handling food without washing

Do not leave your health to chance

Avoid relying on other people for knowledge of how you can best take care of yourself as well as your loved ones while quarantined. Make sure you are well aware of what you must do once you or a loved one are self-isolating. Have proper knowledge of the steps that need to be taken and know what to buy.

Make sure you have access to all the necessary items needed while quarantined. Do not hesitate to contact health professionals when the symptoms start worsening.

Avoid assuming your kids understand what is happening

Being quarantined or being in self-isolation can cause a lot of discomfort to your loved ones. Make sure you educate your kids about pandemics and quarantines. Make sure they understand that being quarantined does not mean the presence of an infection.

Calmly explain to them the situation and the reason for staying at home. Educate them on the precautions to take during that time. If you want to keep them busy, check out this site full of fun ideas for kids.

10 Things to Avoid When Quarantined During a Pandemic kids

Avoid disconnecting with your loved ones completely

Avoiding physical contact with your loved ones does not mean being emotionally or socially disconnected. You are also encouraged to keep in touch using emails, calls, or social media. Maintaining this virtual contact will significantly reduce stress levels.

Avoid self-medicating

One mistake people make when quarantined is trying to control or get rid of the first symptoms by self-medicating. Do not self-medicate or increase dosages if you are already under specific medication. Self-medication or the risk of overdosing will not help you fight or prevent suspected infections.

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Facing a Pandemic and not Panic

Facing a pandemic is something we don’t all normally think of. At the beginning of a disease outbreak, most people are usually in denial. Some do not believe the disease exists, while some do not think it could get to them. As the outbreak spreads, different groups of people begin to see reality. By the time it is declared to be a pandemic, alarm bells of panic will be ringing worldwide.

facing a pandemic and not Panic

However, panicking is not the way to go about facing a pandemic. Panicking does not do any good, only harm. When people panic, they tend to overreact and make decisions that are not well thought out.

Some people will start hoarding goods and create artificial shortages, which fuel more panic. The economic effects alone usually take a long time to recover from, and this is true for individuals and the whole nation alike.

How then can you face a pandemic without panicking?

1. Be well informed

Information is the key to solving any problem. If you are to face an epidemic the right way, you must be well informed. Look for details on how the disease works, how it spreads, what preventive measures to take, and what is the existing treatment.

Complement this information with the actual figures of what is happening around you and all over the world. Knowing things like the number of infections, the number of deaths, and the number of recoveries can give a clear idea of the progression of the disease and its severity. From this information, you can plan at your best and adjust your life and business accordingly.

When seeking information, be careful of the sources you use. You must only use verified, and authoritative sources as the rest can spread inaccurate information that can harm you.

2. Deal with anxiety

It is normal to suffer from anxiety during times of incertitude. Stress can cause people to make decisions that are not well thought out, such as spending rent money on loads of toilet paper in fear of a shortage. Dealing with anxiety is very important if you want to handle facing a pandemic the right way.

3. Have a game plan

If you’re going to survive a pandemic with very minimum damage, you have to plan and plan appropriately. From the time that the authorities announce an outbreak, start putting together a pandemic plan.

Do not wait for the actual pandemic to be declared. A well-thought-out game plan will include things like how you are going to handle a possibility of self-isolation or lockdown, how to maintain active lines of communication, things to do during the pandemic, how to protect your financial interests, and more.

4. Put your plan into action

When you have your pandemic game plan in place, keep following the news and details about the pandemic. As mentioned before, staying informed is critical when it comes to making decisions.

Use the information to decide the time to put into action your plan. You do not have to wait for an official pandemic declaration to put your plan into action. Just choose the right moment.

5. How to tackle a panic attack

Many people will tell you to remain calm. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to or shares with you how to manage your peace, especially when a sudden panic attack overwhelms you.

At the outset, you need to realize that anxiety is a feeling which stems from the mind- with raging negative thoughts and fear of impending doom. This overwhelming feeling then affects your whole body which can freeze or cause hyperventilation 

So, let’s see how best to tackle a panic attack. First, recognize your feelings as feelings of anxiety. Then start to counter them with positive thoughts and happy souvenirs. Once you have dealt with the mind, you can tackle the body.

Sit down or lie down, close your eyes, take several deep breaths, and keep focussing on positive thoughts while telling your body to relax. You should already experience a more relaxed feeling after a few minutes.

Complement these little exercises with a hot shower or a bubble bath and maintain deep breathing and stretching exercise. You will soon be able to clear your thought process and face any panic attack in any situation. 

Other pandemic posts that might help you:

Be an Outbreak Tracker to Protect Your Family

In the areas where Ebola is the most active, several organizations are keeping an eye on the virus, ready to report any significant changes. The virus left its region of origin and has spread across the country. Some cases made it out of the country to other countries. The news has dutifully tracked this. You also need to monitor the outbreaks. When the Ebola virus or pandemics like it hit an area, the masses need to know what’s going on, and you have to become an outbreak tracker

Tracking Outbreaks to Protect Your Family from Danger

“Don’t panic the masses” is the goal of government health officials. It’s pretty clear that health officials have dropped the ball with the Ebola disease. It wasn’t supposed to be an issue in America, but if it did happen to become an issue, then the public wasn’t to worry because everything was under control.

Health officials, doctors and hospitals were all well trained and well equipped to handle any Ebola cases. But if you read the news about the first Ebola case in Texas, you can see what happened.

It contradicted what the health officials said. The diagnosis itself was botched – meaning that Ebola slipped right through the cracks. It’s here and it’s not going anywhere.

In fact, some experts predict that Ebola is poised to become America’s newest pandemic. As if that’s not frightening enough, the majority of people are not only ill informed, but unprepared for this health danger.

Everyone should be prepared – not only with the basic essentials like food, water, and necessary medications – but with preventative measures like protection kits. These are kits that you can use if you find yourself in a situation where there are hot zones developing all around you…but the trick to see how much you really need to be concerned depends on where the outbreaks are happening.

You REALLY have to pay attention to the news reports to see how things are moving.

Tracking Outbreaks to Protect Your Family from Danger

Otherwise, you’re operating in the dark, and you could end up accidentally heading into an area that’s become a hot zone. Staying informed of where you shouldn’t go can help protect your family. 

Knowing what’s going on with the outbreak can clue you in as to whether or not you need to vacate your area. You don’t want to rely on just one source when it comes to keeping up to date because some news organizations could have information that other ones don’t. 

As an outbreak tracker, you want to be up to the minute. One of the best ways to keep track of what’s going on with the outbreak is by using the Internet. You can see breaking news online, and the majority of news organizations do have an online presence. 

outbreak tracker that uses the internet

But even better than that, the Internet has real people communicating second by second on various social media outlets. You could be able to hear the up-to-date news as it happens thanks to this human news chain. 

Besides the Internet, you’ll want to be aware of what the news is saying on the television and radio stations. The local news in your area will cover things specific to where you live. 

So you get a closer-to-home approach with the news that way. If there are any evacuations in place, your local news will have that first before other news stations will. 

Keep an eye on the newspapers as well. The newspaper will often do a projected path for an outbreak just like they do with an expected landfall when a hurricane is going to hit the coast. 

Outbreak tracker using internet

These projected paths are usually pretty close to what happens, so you’ll want to pay attention to those. Newspapers are useful if the electricity goes out and you can’t access the Internet or the news stations that you want to see. 

The possibility of losing power is one of the reasons that you want to have a battery-operated radio on standby. The radio can give you the news as it happens, and can also alert you to any emergencies. So make sure you have a supply of batteries on hand to keep your radio running. 

Other posts about pandemics you may find helpful:

Pandemic? It’s not the end of the World

Understanding what you need to do during a pandemic will help you realize that pandemic is not the end of the world. You can minimize your stress levels and anxiety by simply educating yourself about the pandemic.

Know what you need to do once the epidemic starts. Know how to protect yourself as well as your loved ones from getting infected. Know what to buy and practice good personal Hygiene, as advised. 

It’s not the end of the World

Protect your loved ones from panicking if you or a loved one is infected or told to self-isolate. You can achieve this by being prepared before the pandemic starts and by understanding that you are not the only one affected. Know that countless people are doing the best they can to come up with a solution as well as preventative measures. So, focus on keeping up to date with positive news. 


Finding out and understanding what health professionals are saying about a pandemic that has everyone panicking will help you maintain your sanity when everyone else is losing their mind. That is why you must always keep up with information concerning a pandemic only from reputable sources such as The World Health Organization (WHO) or your local clinic


A pandemic is not a sign that everything you are working towards is coming to an end. Its presence does not mean you should stop developing yourself financially, physically, or mentally. You can still enjoy your life while coping with a pandemic. 


We still need to work, right? Here is the rub: some people will have no choice in the matter.

In a true pandemic, things like the service and entertainment industries will be closed. That means restaurants, spas, movie theaters, hair salons, hotels, cruise lines, and oh. so. much. more.

I am also a travel writer and had all of my press trips cancelled – not that I am complaining.

The trick on all of that is to be able to pivot what you do, so you can still bring home a paycheck.

I talked about a digital Etsy store on my main site – and it helped me make some cash – so I replicated it over and over with different themed stores. I also coordinated a Midwest Road Trip book – since we were all pretty much trapped within our own state borders.

For those that were able to keep working, they had to look at embracing technology and doing as much as it of possible from home – from their computer.

Set up a home office

Advancing or maintaining your professional life does not have to stop because you are homebound during a pandemic. You can still achieve the same excellence that you are well-known for at the office while at home. There are a few things you can do to make the home environment conducive to office work. Setting up a home office is a great place to start. Make sure your home office is as tidy as the office you usually use.

If possible, you can even dress formally to give yourself and everyone around the house the sense of how important your office hours are. Allocate 6 to 8 hours to continuing with your work and do not allow any interruptions. Make sure your home office resembles your regular office where possible.

Talk to your loved ones about the need for quiet hours

Working from home has many advantages, including controlling your schedule, working on your terms as well as maximizing on time otherwise wasted traveling to the office.

Nonetheless, working from home comes with its share of disadvantages, such as constant interruptions as well as noise. Therefore, talking to your loved ones about the need for quiet hours free from interruptions is essential.

Make sure everyone understands that you will not tolerate any disturbances unless there is an emergency. In this way, you will be able to concentrate better, and it will show in the quality of the work that you produce. That is how you can continue enjoying your work in a pandemic.

pandemic people staying at home

Understand working from home is as crucial as working from the office

The quality of your work is determined by how you approach the work you do. If you treat working from home differently from working from the office, the quality of your work will show. Avoid producing below standard practice by carrying out work you do from home the same way you handle work from the office. 

Keep in mind that all that matters is that you are producing quality work. Stay in touch with your supervisor and your colleagues if you are working on a project that requires communication. 

Other pandemic tips:

Reconnecting with family members during a pandemic

During a pandemic, some people have no option but to self-isolate, and others are put into quarantine to get better control of the disease and stop its spread. These extreme measures can put a strain on some relationships, especially closely-knit families who see each other often and do things together. In some cases, a parent has to be isolated from their kids, and that can profoundly affect parent-child relationships. Reconnecting with family is important.

Reconnecting with family members during a pandemic article cover image

Staying connected during a pandemic is very important for families. By just practicing a few habits, you and your family can come out of an epidemic even stronger than before. Here are some practical ways to encourage you to stay connected with your family when self-isolating:

Reconnecting with family members during a pandemic

Talk about the situation

Talk about the disease and why it is essential to maintain a period of isolation. Go on to discuss in detail how the separation will go and what methods of communication you will adopt to stay in touch. Make it a must to give each other regular updates until the period of isolation is over.

Talking is the healthiest way of dealing with any issues related to emotions. If you want your relationships to survive a pandemic lockdown or to repair fractured relations, you have to take some time to talk to your loved ones.

Check-in with texts and video calls

Check on your loved ones through regular texts and video calls. We live in the technology era, which makes it possible to remain connected with people regardless of the distance. It is even possible to have group calls where the whole family can participate in different locations.

Play online games together

Staying connected with family does not mean talking and chatting alone. You have to incorporate other activities that you can do together. Playing games online, together as a family, can maintain the connection needed to get through a lockdown with minimum damage.

There are different kinds of games online to suit various family interests. Depending on the sort of things you like as a family, you can play board games, sports games, role play, strategy, adventure, etc. 

play online games together

Work on a family project from a distance

Another way to reconnect with family members is to start a family project. A family project will ensure that you frequently communicate as a family. It will also bring about some challenges that you will have to work together to overcome, thereby uniting the family.

The family project does not have to be complicated; it could be starting a family YouTube channel, blogging, or business. You could also start preparing the family’s genealogical tree. 

Plan a future family get-together or vacation

While you are in self-isolation or lockdown, try to work together as a family to plan the next gathering or family vacation. You can give each other tasks to do and make decisions together until the whole plan comes along. Planning together gives family members the feeling of being loved and being relevant, which plays a significant role in building connections and reconnecting for those who had lost touch.

Help each other with goals and resolutions

Encourage each other to come up with goals and resolutions. Discuss and establish each other’s vision board and come up with a mutual vision board as a family. Help each other evaluate past achievements and failures and map up new objectives for when the pandemic is over.

By being involved in each other’s lives, you build a stronger bond, guaranteed to withstand any crisis that may threaten to shake your walls.

Reconnecting with family via text

Time to forgive and reunite

A time of crisis is an excellent opportunity to tackle past hurts. Talk about these issues openly with the relevant family member and forgive or ask forgiveness where necessary. Paradoxical, though it may seem, a pandemic is an opportune moment to mend and start over any broken or wounded relationship with other family members.

It may hurt at first when dealing with these issues, especially if there were deeply buried emotions. Still, the intense feeling of relief and restoration will be liberating once relationships are mended. 

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