Best Prepper Books Worth Purchasing

Best Prepper Books Worth Purchasing? A lot of people believe books are going out of fashion but that by itself is a lie. There are some amazing books out there that are worth the purchase and will leave you wanting to get another. One way to find interesting books is to align your search with your interest – what you love the most.

Best Prepper Books

If no other time is best to search out some amazing books, now is, especially if you are locked in and need something to occupy your time. Don’t know where to start?

Best Prepper Books Worth Purchasing

We have found a few that you might love and would be interested in checking out…as you can’t always access the internet for answers during an emergency situation. That is why we came up with this best prepper books list.

The Nurses Handbook

This book presents you with some of the best nursing guidelines you would need to help you go through life and its happenings. The Nurses Handbook presents a full-scope guide on how to handle every phase of nursing assessment to include all patient types from different backgrounds.

It teaches you the steps needed to cover all aspects of the nursing mission from the interview process of the clients through to the assessment, findings, and recovery. With this handbook, you will get a rich history of health’s best practices, physical examination, intervention, diagnosis, and much more.

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Portable RN: The All-in-One Nursing Reference

Portable RN: The All-in-One Nursing Reference is a full guide to understanding how to deal with the daily happenings of taking care of your patient. The book details health assessment techniques to include medical findings, lab test interpretation, nursing procedures, health precautions, pain management, and more.

In addition to the noted benefits of reading this book, you will also get vast knowledge on the latest ventilator modes, how to reduce or correct obstructed airways, procedures of new medications as well as patient safety. You will also get information about different diseases and infections and how to treat them.

Natural Healing Wisdom – A Know-How

As the name suggests, you can rest assured you are in for a few interesting details as it relates to alternative and natural medicines. Numerous health practices can be used as a substitute for treating certain health conditions to include herbal remedies, homeopathy, energy healing, naturopathy, Eastern medicine, and so much more.

You can also learn how to cure various ailments using natural remedies and effective ways of maintaining a healthy lifestyle all year round. This book has been formulated based on information collected and researched from experienced herbalists and natural-remedy doctors from all across the globe. The front of the book provides a guided outline of what to expect from your read.

Food Storage for Self Sufficiency

Food storage is always an issue for most people, and getting it right can be a struggle sometimes. Our current reality has jolted us in a state where we have to pre-cook and store foods just in case of an emergency, and the norm is not available.

For a fact, there are times when we are not able to go out, and the only source of survival is our effort in storing and accessing these foods. After all, the tips presented in this book will guide you on how to survive all year-round with food storage and on a budget. You will learn the tips and tricks of storing foods customized to meet your family’s needs (size, income, health concerns, age, taste, etc.).

Here’s a general guide to what this amazing book presents…

You can save a lot when it comes to food storage, and this book will be your best to achieve this mission. Self-sufficiency is important, and there are loads of information you will benefit from.  

Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre

If there is no other time you need to start your gardening, it is now, and the current conditions have pushed one to accept this fate. Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre will help you to understand the processes of getting your seeds, preparing both them and the land, planting, maintaining, and reaping.

Backyard gardening is a great way to not only save but also to plant what you desire and eat from healthier. Whether you are a farmer or not, the guides presented in this book will help you to achieve the goal of having your vegetables at the tip of your finger.

You will learn about the different types of soils, prepping tips, different types of seedlings and plants, and so much more. Mini Farming teaches you to spend less cash while getting more products on your dining table.

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: A Simple Guide to Growing Vegetables at Home

Growing your backyard garden is the way forward as life has thrown some unexpected stuff at us, and we have to look at life differently. We know a lot of you may not have done this before and think it is hard to accomplish. However, Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: A Simple Guide to Growing Vegetables at Home is here to give you a complete guide on how to start the process, go through with growing and maintaining, and eventually harvesting.

Having your garden to reap from is satisfying and gives you that sense of inner peace, knowing what you are eating and how they were grown. This beginner guide will help you understand the basics of planting and growing and other factors such as soil choices, seedling choices, and maintaining tips to keep your plants bearing longer than usual.

You will get to understand the planning, prepping, planting, and reaping processes to manage your backyard gardening.

There is a lot to learn, especially now that life has taken a drastic turn and changed the way we normally look at life. You will love the ideas you learn from these best disaster books and applying them to your life will reap rewarding benefits.

Like our list of the Best Prepper Books? Here are other articles you may find helpful:

5 Books on Survival You Should Get Now

If you’re in a situation with a pandemic or other survival situation and you don’t feel prepared for it, you can stock up your house with books that will help you learn the necessary skills. At the very least, you’ll have tools that teach you even if you don’t have all of the supplies you’d like to have.

5 Books on Survival You Should Get Now

Our list of books on survival should make you a solid library for any future emergency.

Five Books on Survival You Should Order Before Your Internet Goes Out

I know we have talked about books to get before – but those were more of a Sci-Fi “what if” kind of book that took a lot of possible things into consideration. They opened the doors for family conversation and helped you make a list of possible things to brush up on and learn more about.

Make sure you check out what we said were great reads for preppers…even though today, we are talking about getting more “manual” type of books for your prepper library.

OUTDOOR LIFE – The Ultimate Survival Manual – 333 SKILLS That Will Get YOU Out Alive by Simon & Schuster

5 Books on Survival You Should Get Now skills book

If you want a reference book that helps you learn the skills you need when you need them, you can’t beat this definitive guide. It’s full of hundreds of skills, from building fires to searching for shelter to handling first aid situations. Get this book HERE.

The Survival Medicine Handbook: A guide for when help is NOT on the way by Joseph Alton

5 Books on Survival You Should Get Now medicine book

We’d all like to think we can call an ambulance or police officer to help us in times of need, but in a survival situation, you may only be able to count on yourself. 

This guide is a gem that will help you treat all types of health problems from minor first aid to major chronic illness. This book won’t give you a medical degree, but it can help you to cope when there’s no expert by your side. You can get it HERE.

Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide to Over 200 Natural Foods by Thomas Elias and Peter Dykeman

5 Books on Survival You Should Get Now plant book

If you have to survive and you don’t have a garden already planted, this guide will help you to learn which plants you can eat and which ones you should stay away from. In a situation that requires you to forage for food, this field guide will give you the information you need. We found it HERE.

Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times (Mother Earth News Wiser Living Series) by Steve Solomon

Gardening is one of the best ways that you can learn to survive in a difficult situation. But if you have no experience gardening, it may seem very overwhelming. This book is a complete guide to gardening to help you get started. While you’re at it, you also need to begin ordering seeds as soon as you can. Check it out HERE. You also might want to check out our sister site

SurvivalNations – Surviving a Disease Pandemic (Survival-Survival Planning Book 1) by Dr. Leland Benton

All survival situations have specific needs – and a pandemic brings certain risks and needs for survival. This book explains how pandemics spread. It also tells you what you need to do to protect yourself, as well as your family, in the event of a worldwide disease outbreak. You can get it HERE.

If you liked these books on survival, check out our other ideas:

GREAT Reads for Preppers

GREAT Reads for Preppers? If you have taken my coupon class, you have heard me say that less than 5% of our population has followed FEMA’s basic guidelines for a 72 hour supply of emergency supplies (food, water, etc) for each member of their family should an emergency arise.

THAT is a great reason to start a (reasonable) stockpile.

Part of your preps should be a little reading.  I am not talking about all those dry manuals on what to do and how to assemble this or that – but a few books that really help paint the picture of what you are preparing for.

GREAT Reads for Preppers

That being said, I love it when I find books that are both entertaining to read, as well as educational. Both of the books I am going to talk about have thought-provoking ideas on what MIGHT happen, and what kind of things we MIGHT want to prepare for.

I have read both of them, and then shared them with like-minded people who agreed with me – that they are worth the read.

Occasionally, we can figure out what we might need to add to our preps by being able to visualize a situation in our minds, instead of reading a black and white text or checklist that tells us what to look out for.

THAT is where stories come in for me – they help me understand little things like why saving silver coins is important, etc.

If you are totally new to the concept of “prepping”, here are a few GREAT books to help shed some light on the concept AND give you ideas on what steps you should take first.

Let’s start with One Second After.
It is a story of a man trying to fend for his family to have a war that sends the United States back into the dark ages because they used Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP). 
It is a weapon that the Wall Street Journal warns could shatter America.
This is set in a typical small town and explains what really could happen to us.

A great read and a good thought starter. How it works is an electromagnetic pulse instantly disables almost every electrical device in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world. Airplanes, most cars, cellphones, refrigerators—all are fried.
Crazy, huh?
Amazon has it for $9.99 right now – with free shipping for Prime members.

Then, there is Lights Out. It’s a similar plot – EMP causing an effect that leads us back into basically pioneer times.

To quote one of the reviewers:

“If the lights go out the stores could close up, our paper money could become worthless, most would likely become hungry and desperate, your neighbors could become your biggest enemies and the proverbial gloves very well could come off if or when the “S” Hits The Fan. “Lights Out” may help get you thinking about how you would handle a prolonged bad situation and how you can start preparing now to keep you and yours better off then.”

This book is on Amazon right now for $19.95, with free shipping for Prime members. I will tell you it is probably one of the best books I have ever read – and was so incredibly well written and full of ideas. It really showed how the little things can add up to a larger problem, and how community disorder can create more problems.

It is a THICK book – but an incredibly great read.

Both of these books are a great “jumping-off point” to see what the big deal on “Prepping” is…and decent reads for the action/adventure lover.

Is there a great book that you have read that I should add to this list? Please share!

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