In the event that war or terrorism strikes, are you prepared? Here are five of the best and most useful skills to learn 2021 in the event of war or terrorism.

While no one likes to think about the possibility of experiencing war or terrorism, it’s always a possibility that something so dangerous and severe could occur.
Five Useful Skills to learn 2021 in the Event of War or Terrorism
It’s far better to be prepared for the worst than to not possess specific skills that could help out during such dire situations. You should have several valuable skills in the event of war or terrorism to keep yourself and your loved ones as safe and protected as possible.
1. Basic Navigation
We talked about topographic maps before. If you don’t know this skill, you NEED to make it a top priority as it is the number one of our Five Useful Skills to learn 2021. If your navigation skills aren’t up to par, it’s an excellent time to work on them. Knowing primary navigation could help you during dangerous situations when you need to lead your family to safety. If you don’t know where you’re going or how to get to a safe place, it can put your life and the lives of your loved ones at risk.
Navigation Skills You’ll Need
Some of the things you can work on include learning how to use a compass and a printed map. In today’s world, most people rely on technology to get them from one place to the next. However, if you’re unable to access a phone, tablet, or any other type of electronic device, you’ll need to go back to using the old-school method of navigation.

Test Your Navigation Skills
You can test your navigation skills by going camping and using a compass and printed map to help you get back to your starting point. You can even use the sun as the last resort to provide you with directions to get you back to where you came from. It may not seem like a big deal now, but basic navigation skills can get you further in life during emergencies.
2. Marksmanship
If you’re experiencing war or terrorism, marksmanship is a must. You might not have a weapon to use during these situations. However, the soldiers working against you to complete their attacks will likely have multiple weapons attached to their hips to fight off anyone that isn’t on their side.
You Need to Know How to Use a Soldier’s Gun
If you know how to use a gun properly, you’ll be able to use a soldier’s gun against them. You may find the gun lying in the ground with a severely wounded or deceased soldier in the middle of a war.
If so, you’d need to grab that gun and carry it around with you for protection. However, there is no use in carrying something around if you don’t know how to use it. You can learn the basics of operating different types of guns by going to the shooting range.
3. Physical Fitness
Being physically fit is vital during challenging times when you may have a war going on in front of you. If you’re out of shape, it’s going to put your life at risk. You may have difficulty getting around or running away from potential attackers who could cause harm to you and your family. If you know that you’re out of shape and could use some exercise to build your stamina, it’s a good time to start exercising more often.
Get Moving
Getting physically fit doesn’t mean you need to exercise all the time without giving yourself breaks. It means that you should do more cardio to improve your running skills and build stamina to get you further in any emergency.

30 Minutes a Day (3 Xs a Week)
If you’re jogging for 30 minutes a day at least three to four times a week, you’ll get used to it, and it’ll eventually become natural for your body to jog for even more extended periods. If you don’t want to jog outside, you can always buy a treadmill and get plenty of practice at home.
4. Foraging Skills
If you don’t have access to fresh food and water because of a dire situation, you’ll need some foraging skills. While people in the United States used to possess these skills, not many do anymore, and that is because food and beverages are typically easily accessible and available to us.
However, it would help if you prepared for the worst possible scenario by learning how to source water and food from the outdoors. It could mean the difference between surviving and dying out in the wilderness, which is the last thing you’d want to happen.
Do Your Research
Start doing some research on bodies of water and how to tell if you can drink from them or not. It would be best to learn more about the different types of plants that you can and can’t eat. If you need to source berries, fruits, and vegetables, you’ll need to make sure you’re grabbing the right things. You wouldn’t want to eat something that could poison you, make you hallucinate, or cause you to become sick.
5. Craftsmanship
Being crafty is another good skill to have if a war or terrorism occurs. Good craftsmanship makes it possible for people to build shelters out of sticks, hay, grass, and other items that they can find in nature.
Build a Shelter
You’ll need to learn how to build a shelter without having access to specific tools that you’d regularly be able to use when building a structure. You can learn how to use different plants, trees, and twigs to your advantage when you’re trying to protect yourself and your loved ones out in the wilderness.
Not only does it require craftsmanship, but it’s also helpful to have a creative mind to come up with ways to protect everyone while exposed to the elements and potential predators.
Five Useful Skills to Learn 2021 in the Event of War or Terrorism
If a war or terrorism occurs, you should possess these five valuable skills that can keep you safe and help you travel when you need to do so. Even if you don’t feel like you currently have these skills, it’s not too late.
You can learn more about navigation, work on your physical fitness, practice different crafts using all-natural materials, and even learn how to shoot and reload a gun properly.
Once you’ve learned how to do these different things, you’ll know how to keep everyone safe while getting out of harm’s way as quickly as possible. There may come a time when you need to use these skills to your advantage to stay alive.